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Interventi Blogi di Žan Dapčevič

Seventh Webconference

Seventh Webconference

We had our seventh Web Conference where we discussed the progress of the project. We have reviewed and discussed on all the steps and stages in the time frame of the project so we can see what has been done and what is ahead of us for the coming period.

Also we coordinated on the administrative & management needs to be sorted out before continuing to the next phase. Beside the time set for coordination on the background activities, we had also worked on the Intellectual Outputs and see what has been done and what had to improve as we enter in July 2021 such as the progress of the survey in all the partner countries, drafting of the survey reports and finally initial view and discussion on set of improvements of the e-platform which is a overall work wrap up Intellectual Output. #DigiWomen

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